ChemStationAsia (CSA) is proud to have contributed a charitable donation of RM20,000 towards the fundraising campaign for the Kiwanis Children Center in Kuantan. According to the Kiwanis Club’s President Dr. Yu Siew Hong, funds were required to expand and renovate the existing center in order to improve its facilities and to have a better equipped training center. The center aimed to provide simple living skills to children with Down Syndrome to promote self-sufficiency and to encourage independence.
At the official launching of the fundraising campaign held on March 12, 2014, CSA represented by Mr. Chen Lai Peng (Assistant Vice President / General Manager of CSA Kuantan), Mdm. Doris Wong (Assistant Vice President) and several CSA Club members, were present to support the event. CSA was among the first corporate companies to step forward to participate in the campaign and to co-adopt a Café along with its’ co-sponsor, Kuantan Port Consortium.
CSA’s core values “Caring, Sincere & Ambitious”, are in line with the Kiwanis Motto of “Serving the Children of the World” whereby we believe in giving back to the community. We hope our heartfelt contribution may go a long way in providing a better and brighter future for the Kiwanis Children.