Internal Auditor Training

Training Internal Auditor Chemstationasia Supplier Chemical Solvent Resin Formalin

An Internal Auditor Training was held on March 22- 23, 2014 and it was conducted by an external trainer, Mr. Michael Chow, who is a certified auditor. The training was conducted at CSA Kuantan and attended by representatives from various departments. There were 25 attendees in total.

Among the Learning Outcome of the course were to :

  • Plan for an QHS Internal Audit
  • Identify competency needs of an QHS Auditor
  • Prepare Audit Checklist for QHS Audit
  • Conduct an effective & efficient Internal QHS Audit
  • Reporting an QHS Audit
  • Identify immediate remedial actions as well as preventive actions for non-conformities identified

The Management believes that the training served to provide the attendees with more effective auditing skills.