Daily Morning Briefing & Safety Talk before work in 2020
In line with MAP ISO and SMK3 certification, MAP conducts regular Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) programs which include safety talk, rescue competition between branches, and refresher Training (such as Fire Extinguisher Training) to ensure that employees are equipped with the required SHE knowledge.
![Mulya Adhi Paramita Pelatihan Penggunaan APAR Chemstationasia distributor bahan kimia cair solvent resin formalin](https://chemstationasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/hal19_a.jpg)
![Mulya Adhi Paramita Program Umum Safety, Health dan Enviroment](https://chemstationasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/hal19_c-300x225.jpg)