Methyl Ethyl Ketone

Methyl Ethyl Ketone
2-butanone Ethyl Methyl Ketone Methyl Acetone
Bulk, Drums, IBC, Jerrycan, Tin
It is used in paints and other coatings because it will quickly evaporate. It dissolves many substances and is used as a solvent in processes involving gums, resins, cellulose acetate and nitrocellulose coatings and in vinyl films. It is also used in the synthetic rubber industry, and as a catalyst for polyester resin hardening. It is also used in manufacturing plastics, textiles, in the production of paraffin wax, and in household products such as lacquer, varnishes, paint remover, a denaturing agent for denatured alcohol, glues, and as a cleaning agent. MEK is also used in dry erase markers as the solvent of the erasable dye.
See Also: Acetone
See Also: Acetone