TSI Halal Bihalal Ceremony

TSI - Tank Station Indonesia Perayaan Halal Bihalal Chemstationasia Jasa Pencucian IBC Tank
On 28 June 2019, TSI held “Halal Bihalal”, a ceremony organized yearly after Idul Fitri. In this ceremony, all employees and people from the nearby community gathered to pray for a safe and good year ahead. We also took the opportunity to discuss if there are any improvement to the operations/business processes in TSI.
Halal Bihalal Tank Station Indonesia (TSI) Chemstationasia Jasa Pencucian IBC Tank
Tank Station Indonesia Program Halal Bihalal Chemstationasia Jasa pencucian IBC Tank
Program Halal Bihalal Tank Station Indonesia (TSI) Chemstationasia Jasa Pencucian IBC Tank